Friday, January 22, 2016

Erica age 12

30 Days of Erica Day 13

Erica is growing and it is getting harder and harder to pick out which stories to share.  But this one is a great story that involves the entire family.  And it was really alot of fun.

Who remembers Science Projects?

I never had to do science projects when I was in school....(cue the violins).  So....the process of making a science project was enormous to me.  Fortunately for Erica....we learned about the projects and how to do them with Keith.  Title/Hypothesis/Data/Conclusion....etc.  Science projects to me were code words for PARENT PROJECT HOMEWORK!

Erica's science teacher in grade 7 was a very creative teacher and she wanted the students to "think outside of the box" for a project to prove.  That sounded like more fun than the potato battery or growing mold on bread.

So....we came up with "Which  Fast Food French Fries Keep their consistency?"
Larry, Keith and I were the test subjects and Erica chose McDonalds, Wendy's, and Burger King to test their fries.
We decided to use a Saturday and hit those restaurants.  We would buy a FRESH package of fries and each eat one immediately.  Then....5 minutes later..we would eat another fry and describe its consistency.  We did that at 5 minute increments until 30 minutes had elapsed.    After all of that testing and describing.....guess whose Fries stayed the most consistent?  Burger King!!!!!
She earned a great grade with this project and we all had fun participating in a science experiment.  Her next project was fun too and had to do with the Best Way to cover bad breath.   But....we won't go in to that one.
Mom ( as usual) made her pose with her project.  I am sure that I totally embarrassed her.
Sorry you have a it's your turn to take embarrassing pictures.

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