Well....I got "schooled" when I went with her. Now....microfilm has been replaced with the word Microform which includes a new type of machine, the old filmstrips, computers, and storage.
This is the machine I was used to. It was fun to manually scroll through the newspaper articles. We felt so "cutting edge"
Well....now it is an energy star smaller machine and is linked in with the desktop. When you find what you need....you can store it in your student online storage file or save it on a jump drive or print. Students now are allowed 500 pages of printing...after that you pay more to your account for more paper. Sure does beat that old slick paper we had to use and take care not to smudge it since it was still wet after the printing.
I actually had fun learning about the new systems. It is operated from an onscreen control pad.....or you can manually turn the spools by had. That was my job. It was easier to turn the spool and save it that way. She never had to move her mouse.....I turned to the next page and she hit the save button. We made a good team .
This is Erica doing her part of the team effort.We had a good time and she stored her material to work on her essay from home. AND we did it in under 1 hour since visitors have to feed the parking meter!
And then....I had my picture made with the Ramses statue. A fun field trip with my girl!
It was good to see the campus again and see all of the improvements with my own eyes. And I still know my way around....mostly.
So....microfilm vs microform? I embrace the new and improved Microform.
Haha... I've had to use that thing before!
The new and improved one is better than the old fashioned one. I had a blast using it.
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