Monday, December 19, 2011

Story #10

One of my best and most favorite memories is from my old Parkway Village Baptist Church days.  I loved the Christmas Eve service when Bro Mike was our pastor.  Our entire family would go together to the service and it would be full of other families.  It was done in low light so that made it special to me. And...we would sit as family units around tables for the entire service. 
We would sing carols and read scriptures and it all ended with taking communion together.  But....this communion was different than the ones on Sundays.  This was bread we tore from a loaf and a bigger cup of juice than that tiny little cup of juice we normally sipped. 
My dad was a deacon so he was in charge of passing out the elements around our table.  
I looked forward to this service every year.  I felt , even as a child, that I was really celebrating Christmas for the right reason:  Jesus' birth.  Then, I didn't feel so selfish afterwards when we went home to open our gifts. 
Those many Eve services hold a special place in my heart.  We carried that tradition into our own family.  It did change however when we started attending another church.   The new church had a Christmas Eve service....but it wasn't anything like the old PVBC once. 

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