Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stories from the past Christmases.

Hey followers,
I plan to write a memory from my Christmases that have passed.  I want to do one everyday til Christmas.  We will see how my memory is and how disciplined I can be to think up one and remember to make a blog!  haha

I remember as a 10 year old, going to bed on Christmas Eve and deciding that night that I really hoped Santa brought me a drumset!  I believed that Santa could do that and I thought with a lot of prayer that night that it might prime the pump!!!! my dismay, I woke with NO drumset!  However, I did get an electric guitar and amp from Sears placed cleverly under the tree.    I never questioned the fact that it came from Sears.  I was a Santa believer all the way.  Even my friends who received that same Sears guitar/amp combo didn't waver my belief.  So....I just thought that I would make sure Santa knew earlier my desires for drumset for next Christmas.

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