Thursday, August 18, 2011

I phone Follies

This is a tale of my exciting experiences with my I phone!

Everyone loves the I phone, right?  Well...I like it in theory but in practice is another story.  First of all I am still hating the touch screen keyboard.  Every 4th character is a mistake on my part....which means a correction and a time waster.  I can't figure out how to go to the mistake I have to use the back delete button until I get to the mistake.  That means I spend ALOT of time re-typing words!  I miss my Blackjack button keyboards.  Everyone says to give it a few months and then I would be a pro!  I am still messing up and I have had this phone since April!

I also miss my Blackjack BACK button.   The iphone doesn't have one on the main screen.  Just certain pages or Apps have them.

I do like the picture quality and the ease of accessing FB and Twitter.   Also...internet is faster and alot easier.  I have been able to do email with ease on the phone.  There are some great qualites and features on this phone.  It is just the features that I can't figure out that annoy me.

Like:  how come I can't get my email contacts on my phone?  Everytime I try to sync those lists, it points out that if I change a setting, it will mess up the MobileMe setting!  What does that even mean?  Tutorial is no help. 

And backing up the phone:  if you own a PC, which I do, you may as well throw in the towel.   Can't find where it backs up the phone; if it even really does the backup.

Started having a software glitch!  Weird cause I thought that the Apple Products were superior to PC least that is what that commercial portrays.  And that is what the Apple Store team believes and preaches.  They even have the "I am better than you cause I own a Mac" attitude routine perfectly learned. 

So, I go to the Store for help with my glitch.  Have to tell me story to three 15 year olds and watch them smirk and roll their eyes.  I can hear them sigh:  ugh...PC!

My phone needs to be restored to factory set.  That is fine with me but it will wipe out the phone and basically I will start from scratch.  That is fine too since plugging the phone into the laptop will restore all of my stuff to the phone from the backup!  BUT no one can tell me where my back up is!

I am fine with resetting as long as I am assured that I do have it backed up.  No one at the Apple Store can tell me that.  None of my mac friends know the answer either.  So..I am stuck.

What to do?  What to do? 

I think I am gonna take a workshop class for Iphones and see what happens.  Maybe someone will know the location of my backup!

What do you think?

1 comment:

Larry said...

I think you've worded your frustrations exactly as I've been hearing about them. I do hope you can find a solution. Love you!