I am sure every daddy's girl has a list of sayings that their dad always used. Here are some that I remember.
1. Turn out the lights.....you're burning kilowatts
2. Close the door! Were you born in a barn?
3. Don't stand there with the door open: we are not air conditioning the neighborhood.
4. Do as I say not as I do.
5. Think!
6. Don't think: just do it!
7. Do you want a spanking? ( I secretly wanted to say yes just to see what would happen)
8. Hold still: let me kill that fly ( the one that had landed on my arm! EEEwww)
9. One bite! ( his bites were half of the hot dog or sandwich)
10. If I break it, I will buy you a dozen!
11. Money doesn't grow on trees!
12. Clean up this pig sty!
For all of those commands....he did have a ton of good qualities that super ceded his barks! When I was little, I had breathing issues as a baby and he would sit up and rock me all night and I would sleep on his chest. I couldn't breathe lying down...until I had my tonsils and adenoids removed. Not sure how much sleep he got....but he made sure that I slept well.
When I was older, he would take me shopping to get my birthday gift: a component stereo set/ 10 speed purple bike/etc. He surprised me at Christmas with my first drum set. He would take me on little daddy-daughter dates and we would eat and shop and just enjoy being together.
I was such a tomboy but he always made me feel pretty and special, even though I was his fat little butterball. He taught me how to play sports and gave me a love for competition. He taught me how to ride a bike, mow the lawn, change a flat tire and keep up with my oil changes.
Most of all....he loved my mom and always set a good example of PDA. Not a day went by that we didn't see my dad kiss and hug my mom...numerous times. He taught me the value of responsibility and accountability. He made sure I went to church and brought me up to love Jesus.
This is for you Dad....I love you and am proud to be your daughter. I am the first one that caused you to be a father and you will always by my Daddy. I hope that I have made you proud to be my dad and I will love you forever.
Your "Lucy"
1 comment:
I'm glad to hear about your dad. I think some of his sayings must have been generational, because they sure sounded like my dad. I think there is a special reward in heaven for any parent who gifts their children with drums ( and we have a professional drummer in our family).
Welcome to the blog family. Isn't it fun?
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